







1. 制作草龙:选用稻草、麦草等材料,按照传统工艺编织成龙的形象。

2. 选择合适的时间和地点:一般选择在早晨或傍晚,阳光充足、空气清新的时候,将草龙悬挂在树枝上。

3. 准备食物:准备一些鸟类喜欢的食物,如谷粒、果实等。

4. 悬挂草龙:将草龙悬挂在树枝上,让鸟类看到。

5. 观察鸟类:在草龙喂鸟的过程中,观察鸟类的觅食情况,适时补充食物。









1. 经颅磁刺激(TMS):通过在头部特定位置施加脉冲磁场,刺激大脑皮层,调节神经递质水平,改善睡眠。

2. 经颅直流电刺激(tDCS):通过在头部特定位置施加直流电,调节神经细胞膜电位,改善神经传导,从而改善睡眠。

3. 经皮神经电刺激(TENS):通过在身体特定部位施加低频电流,刺激神经末梢,缓解肌肉紧张和疼痛,改善睡眠。

4. 颈椎电疗:针对颈椎病引起的失眠多梦,通过电疗改善颈椎部位的血液循环,缓解神经压迫,改善睡眠。






















1. 增强免疫力:章鱼中的蛋白质、矿物质和维生素等营养素能够增强人体免疫力,预防疾病。

2. 抗氧化:章鱼中的维生素E具有抗氧化作用,有助于清除体内自由基,延缓衰老。

3. 降低血脂:章鱼中的不饱和脂肪酸有助于降低血脂,预防心血管疾病。

4. 改善记忆:章鱼中的EPA和DHA具有改善记忆力的作用,适合脑力劳动者食用。

5. 促进生长发育:章鱼中的蛋白质、矿物质等营养素有助于儿童和青少年生长发育。

6. 预防贫血:章鱼中的铁质有助于预防贫血。







1. 选择新鲜、无污染的柑橘制作酵素,以确保其安全性。

2. 饮用柑橘酵素时,可根据个人口味适量添加蜂蜜或糖,以调节口感。

3. 柑橘酵素最好在餐前或餐后30分钟内饮用,以充分发挥其保健作用。

4. 饮用柑橘酵素期间,应注意保持良好的生活习惯,如规律作息、适量运动、合理饮食等,以增强养生效果。








1. 严格按照说明书或医生指导服用,切勿随意增减剂量。

2. 孕妇、哺乳期妇女及患有严重疾病的人群应在医生指导下服用。

3. 霉菌片不宜与抗生素等药物同时服用,以免影响疗效。

4. 服用霉菌片期间,注意饮食清淡,避免食用油腻、辛辣等刺激性食物。









1. 暖胃散寒:桂花性温味辛,具有暖胃止痛、温中散寒的功效,对于脾胃虚寒的人群尤其适用。

2. 化瘀化痰:桂花茶具有美容养颜、滋养肝血、调节月经等作用,还能辅助稀释痰液,起到止咳平喘的效果。

3. 去除口臭:桂花茶具有清热解毒的功效,对于口臭、咽喉肿痛、口腔溃疡等初期炎症问题,具有一定的缓解作用。








1. 适量使用:白芨虽好,但过量使用可能导致不良反应,因此在使用过程中应遵循医嘱,适量使用。

2. 注意禁忌:白芨与乌头相克,不宜同食。此外,咳血患者、肺痈患者、肺部实热患者等人群应慎用。

3. 专业指导:白芨的使用应在专业医生的指导下进行,避免自行使用,以免引起不适。


It is such a person who has been hiding for ten years. How can he be merciful to Xia Zhu when his heart should still be dark?

At the same time, everyone wondered why he suddenly attacked Xia Zhu. Moreover, at that time, it was obvious that he had set his goal and did not hesitate to expose himself, just as he no longer wanted to remain anonymous in the past.
What the hell is this?
Chapter 40 He can come
When Bai yinting arrived, it was already dawn. he came to the intersection where the car disappeared under surveillance. even if he looked for a needle in a haystack, he would find Xia Zhu.
Moreover, Lin Hao also brought many brothers, and a large-scale search will be launched soon.
However, at this time, the police received a report and saw them release the car parked by the river.
Everyone rushed over and confirmed that it was the car. Bai Yinting returned it and found the Xia Zhu bracelet.
It seems that it accidentally fell off, and people have stopped driving. Where can it be?
Everyone looks around. This place is very rootless. It is impossible to hide people.
"Will it be in a dangerous building over there?" Suddenly someone woke up.
The local police all feel this possibility, because a wealthy businessman saw this place before and thought it was very suitable to build a villa with beautiful scenery for a holiday.
As a result, the house was half built, and the town government departments began to intervene. Finally, they temporarily stopped working, which was the result of two years of treatment, and they were still negotiating.
Everyone hurried over there, and before they got close to the house, they heard someone shouting "Don’t go near there" on the second floor.
"That’s him."
Finally found someone. Look at the second floor. You can see him alone for the time being.
"Lin Qiang, let the hostages go quickly or you will add to the crime." The police began to persuade.
"I will put the woman, there is no sin? You all know my name. Don’t you know what I did before? If you are caught, it is the death penalty. Do I still kill one more person? " Lin Qiang admitted everything.
"If you want to turn yourself in voluntarily, maybe you can get leniency."
"Bah, don’t tell me this?" Lin Qiang didn’t seem interested.
"I don’t care who you are or what you want to do? I want to know where my wife is? " Bai yinting is really anxious. I’m afraid he would have rushed if the police hadn’t pulled him.
"Who are you?" Lin Qiang slightly stretched out his head and looked at it and couldn’t help laughing. "Hey, isn’t this Bai Yinting, president of Shengrui Group? My savior died, and your hand is not thin for me. Even you took the initiative to send the door. I am embarrassed if I don’t accept it. "
"Who are you talking about?" Bai yinting at that time also didn’t know what he said.
"It seems that you have forgotten that you are a damn person like your woman. Do you want to come and die with her? I can be you "Lin Qiang laughed.
Bai yinting wanted to go but was stopped.
"Let us see if the hostages are still alive first, and then we can talk about the terms," the police said.
"It’s not convenient. She’s tied to the wall by me, but we can talk about conditions." Lin Qiang really has a purpose
"Okay, you say it."
"I want to see my parents again. Let me see them. Everything is negotiable." Lin Qiang hasn’t been home for ten years. He doesn’t know what’s going on at home.
This policeman is in trouble because Lin Qiang’s hometown is far away from here, even if he flies, he will arrive late. His parents actually died in less than two years after he fled. Now one of his brothers is still alive, but where is not very clear.
"Why don’t you talk?" Lin Qiang felt a little subtle atmosphere.
"Lin Qiang, your hometown is far away from here. We have sent someone to contact you when necessary. Can you show us the hostages?" The police continued to seduce.
He doesn’t know the news that his parents have died yet. If you tell him, maybe he will kill the ticket now.
Lin Qiang seemed impatient. He shouted, "Let my parents give me a call."
Then he reported his mobile phone number, which was even more difficult for ten years. He may have forgotten his parents’ voice, too.
The police winked at each other, and then someone contacted.
"Well, it’s all connected. You should show us the hostages now, right?"
Lin Qiang pointed to Bai Yinting and said, "You buckle his hand and let him walk alone. You can walk to the steps. Don’t get too close and see people."
The police were worried about Bai Yinting’s safety, but Bai Yinting was anxious to see Xia Zhusuo. He agreed first and then asked to cuff himself.
Nai Hao complied, making himself more careful and holding the key in his hand.
Bai yinting raised his handcuffed hands and approached slowly.
Lin Qiang smiled Qin Ming. If that woman is deadly this time, even if I give you a gift.
He slowly retreated to the stairs and walked behind the concrete wall on the second floor, then raised the stick in his hand.
Of course, there is no Xia Zhu here. It’s just that he plays the city plan himself. He hasn’t dared to do anything for a long time and he is afraid of betraying himself.
I’m really tired. He’s always wanted to get rid of it, and now his last promise has been fulfilled, and it’s time to get rid of it.
His only wish is to meet his parents for ten years. He has not been filial, but he is unfilial.
Even if you don’t see anyone, it’s good to listen to their voices. He wants to kowtow to them, and then his father’s affection will be exhausted.
Bai yinting walked slowly downstairs, but his vigilance was still very high, but when he was about to step into the entrance of the second floor, he saw a woman’s clothes and a mess of hair in the corner.
As soon as his heart pulled up, he also relaxed his vigilance, and his eyes wanted that group of seemingly poor people.
As a result, he entered the door and was knocked hard on the head by Lin Qiang-he fainted at that time.
After Lin Qiang saw him, there was blood left in the spoon, which dragged him aside and then he breathed a deep sigh of relief.
Looks like my life is good. It’s time to do everything
In recent years, Qin Ming has been the best person to him. For a while, he almost relied on Qin Ming for his life.
Qin Ming is responsible for not leaving the house for a whole year.
Later, he didn’t want to be a cripple himself, and the wind was not so tight, so he started his life again.
It’s time to pay it all back, and he can walk easily
Going back to the window, he still dared not show his head and said, "Their little husband and wife are warm. President Bai Da has to accompany his little wife. I can’t help but have one more hostage."
The police will know that things have become more serious by his means.
Chapter 41 Where the hell is my wife?
After several negotiations, Lin Qiang’s cell phone finally rang, and he was a little excited to answer the phone. It was an old man who spoke his hometown dialect.
And the old man’s voice is still a little shaky, and he seems nervous with tears.
"Baby, is it really you?"
"Dad, it’s me. I’m a big bowl." This is Lin Qiang’s nickname. His brother called two bowls to support him.
"Where have you been for ten years? Your mother and I are really going to cry blind. Tell me about your impulsiveness." The other party began to cry.
Lin Qiang couldn’t help crying, and he regretted it, but there is no regret medicine in the world, because he was too young.
"Eva, listen to them and say that you are going to kill again. Eva, we can’t be wrong again." The other party began to persuade him that someone was obviously teaching him to speak.
"Dad, don’t listen to their nonsense. I just want to listen to you and my mother today." Lin Qiang wiped a handful of tears.
"Your mother …" The other party was silent for a while before saying, "I’ve been gone for many years."

Su Yu’s practice of nine turns of life and death is a secret method of the true emperor’s treasure roll. It must be a one-time practice to complete the steps of nine turns of life and death and directly reach the peak of nine turns of nirvana. However, if ordinary people practice according to the realm of the true emperor’s treasure roll, they can slowly improve themselves.

After all, it’s not that everyone has a powerful unified backing like Su Yu to practice with his aura.
Ordinary people can practice one turn at a time because of the lack of ordinary aura accumulation. Although this practice method is not as risky and stable as Su Yu’s life and death, its strength is not as good as Su Yu’s life and death after nine turns.
According to the boundary of the four continents, the boundary is the peak, which is equivalent to the period of repairing the truth, but it is not as good as it is.
And the true emperor’s treasure scroll is equivalent to the strength in the heart-warming period of the cultivation of truth, the strength in the cultivation of truth, the strength in the elixir period, the strength in the Yuan infant period, the five-turn nirvana in the out-of-body period, the six-turn nirvana in the distraction period, the seven-turn nirvana in the fit period, and the strength in the Mahayana period when the cultivation of truth is Du Jie!
After the nine turns of the nirvana, the strength of the realm of the True Emperor Baojuan is stronger. There are three distinctions: position, position and position!
The strength of a master is as good as scattered fairy! The strength of a master is really immortal! A master of environment is as powerful as Jin Xian!
And after the territory, there is the real imperial scroll and the realm of martial arts! After the territory is the martial realm, the real martial realm!
The strength of Zhenwu is comparable to that of Luo Jinxian! A * * force is of the earth and tears the virtual * * shuttle plane!
And after Zhenwu’s territory, it is the only realm saint where all the plane practitioners belong to the same origin!
The only goal of cultivating truth, martial arts and demon cultivation is to be holy. Of course, some plane saints have changed their names. One plane called the saint the King of God, and the strong in the abyss were called the great fiend.
On appellation, such as change, can’t change the pursuit of power source by every plane practitioner.
Sanctification requires preaching!
It is necessary to obtain the approval of a will!
"Hoo ~!"
Su Yu spat out a sigh of relief for a long time, but he was so powerful in reality that he couldn’t help but show shock.
Before Su Yu knew that people’s heart energy cultivation had never been injected into the real emperor’s treasure scroll, but he actually remembered such a detailed martial arts realm and improved the cultivation body, and there were many martial arts realm information and analysis, as well as an improvement plan for the martial arts realm in the four continents!
It’s true that the real imperial scroll is a sample of the four continents, and the unified source of Wu Xiu Zun Bao Dian will naturally have a perfect repair plan for the incomplete budo realm of the four continents
It can be said that the real imperial scroll is the same as the real imperial sword, and the real imperial scroll is as powerful as a saint’s monastic code
"It’s only now that I realize that the real treasure has always been in my hand, but I haven’t felt it!"
Su Yu couldn’t help sighing.
It’s no wonder that since Su Yu got the unification territory, he has devoted himself to the development of the territory. Plus, the thickness of the real emperor’s treasure volume has a fight with Xinhua dictionary. Who will chew this thing if he has nothing to do?
At that time, Su Yu’s cultivation needs to rely on the energy of the people!
But now that Su Yu has the perfect realm of the true emperor’s treasure scroll, does it mean that he can improve the strength of all fighters in the Chinese Empire? Let those terran masters practice towards a higher realm instead of being confined to the false realm at this time?
Su Yu’s eyes are shining with divine light. He thinks this move is feasible!
A person is far less powerful than a country! A saint is far less tough than a group of saints! This is the innate advantage of power individuals!
"By the way, since I am now in the ninth turn of nirvana, does that mean that I have the strength comparable to that of Du Jie?"
Su Yu’s eyes twinkled with pure mans inquiry system
This is comparable to Du Jie’s strength!
According to the disc juvenile memory, the most powerful master of Xiandian Gate is also the Du Jie period!
Do I still have fear after nine turns of life and death?
If the immortals and gods don’t come out of the higher plane, I can sweep the door of the fairy hall and the demon Lord of the abyss plane!
[drop! At this time, the host’s martial arts realm is indeed comparable to that of Du Jie period, but its real combat power is much higher than that of Du Jie period, because the host has nine aura whirlpools and has experienced nine turns of life and death in a row. According to the unified data analysis and calculation theory, the host has nine times the combat power of Du Jie’s master of repairing truth.
Tong gave that answer that excite Su Yu.
Nine times the combat power!
Doesn’t that mean I can walk sideways in the four continents?
Su Yu eyes flashing can’t help laughing "ha ha ha! Sure enough, it’s bitter first and then sweet. I didn’t eat it for nothing! "
Chapter 396 The Three Buddhas were all angry and ran away.
"By the way, it’s a nine-turn nirvana. Do you have to practice to get out of here?"
Su Yu laughed to a half and suddenly thought of such a thing, and hurriedly asked the system.
If you ask yourself according to the realm of the real emperor’s treasure roll martial arts, wouldn’t you stay in this hellhole?