













1. 配合其他药材使用:将地丁草与蒲公英、金银花等药材搭配泡水,可增强清热解毒、败火功效,缓解咽喉肿痛。

2. 直接泡水饮用:取适量地丁草,用开水冲泡,稍焖片刻,待水温适宜后饮用。地丁草泡水味道清淡,口感舒适,适合长期饮用。

3. 外敷:将新鲜地丁草与雄黄研成泥状,外敷于患处,可有效缓解红肿疼痛。

4. 预防性饮用:在咽喉肿痛高发季节,提前饮用地丁草泡水,可起到预防作用。






1. 促进脂肪代谢:炒生姜中的姜辣素可以促进脂肪的代谢,有助于降低血脂、减肥。

2. 抗菌消炎:生姜具有一定的抗菌消炎作用,可以预防和治疗胃肠道感染。

3. 抗氧化:炒生姜中的抗氧化成分,如姜辣素、姜烯酮等,可以清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。

4. 改善睡眠:炒生姜中的某些成分具有镇静作用,有助于改善睡眠质量。


1. 提高免疫力:生姜中的维生素C和矿物质可以增强人体免疫力,预防感冒等疾病。

2. 抗衰老:炒生姜中的抗氧化成分,可以清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。

3. 增强心血管健康:炒生姜中的钾、镁等矿物质,有助于维持心脏、血管的正常功能。

4. 改善消化系统:炒生姜中的助消化成分,可以预防和治疗消化不良、便秘等症状。






1. 缓解感冒症状:桉树叶煮水洗澡有助于缓解感冒引起的头痛、发热、鼻塞等症状。

2. 预防呼吸道疾病:桉树叶中的有效成分具有抗病毒、抗炎作用,可预防流感、肺炎、支气管炎等呼吸道疾病。

3. 缓解风湿疼痛:桉树叶煮水洗澡有助于缓解风湿关节痛,对于关节炎患者具有一定的辅助治疗作用。

4. 促进血液循环:桉树叶煮水洗澡可促进血液循环,缓解肌肉酸痛,提高身体免疫力。

5. 预防皮肤病:桉树叶煮水洗澡可预防湿疹、疥癣等皮肤病,对于皮肤病患者具有一定的辅助治疗作用。


1. 婴幼儿:婴幼儿皮肤娇嫩,使用桉树叶煮水洗澡可能引起皮肤过敏。

2. 高血压患者:桉树叶煮水洗澡可能导致血压升高。

3. 癫痫患者:桉树叶煮水洗澡可能诱发癫痫发作。

4. 蚕豆病患者:桉树叶煮水洗澡可能引起过敏反应。






1. 促进消化:胡椒中的生物碱可以刺激唾液和胃液分泌,帮助消化,缓解胃胀、胃痛等消化不良症状。

2. 抗氧化:胡椒中含有丰富的抗氧化物质,如维生素C、维生素E等,能够清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老,增强免疫力。

3. 抗炎镇痛:胡椒具有抗炎镇痛作用,对于关节炎、肌肉痛等炎症性疾病有一定的缓解作用。

4. 抗菌消炎:胡椒中的抗菌成分可以抑制细菌生长,对于口腔溃疡、咽喉肿痛等炎症性疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。



1. 将胡椒、生姜、红枣洗净,生姜切片。
2. 将胡椒、生姜、红枣放入锅中,加入适量清水。
3. 煮沸后转小火煎煮30分钟。
4. 加入红糖搅拌均匀,即可饮用。









1. 多样化搭配:将苕粉与其他食材搭配,如肉类、蔬菜、豆制品等,既能丰富口感,又能提高营养价值。

2. 控制食用量:虽然苕粉具有诸多益处,但过量食用也会对身体造成负担。建议每人每天食用量控制在50克左右。

3. 注意烹饪方法:在烹饪苕粉时,尽量采用蒸、煮、炖等低温烹饪方式,以保留食材中的营养成分。

4. 选择优质苕粉:在购买苕粉时,要选择无添加、无污染的优质产品,以确保食品安全。





1. 促进消化吸收:汉臣氏益生菌中的益生菌能够帮助分解食物中的大分子物质,使其转化为小分子物质,有利于人体吸收。同时,益生菌还能产生消化酶,进一步促进食物的消化吸收。

2. 预防便秘和腹泻:肠道菌群失衡会导致便秘或腹泻等问题。汉臣氏益生菌中的益生菌能够调节肠道蠕动,增加大便体积,预防便秘;同时,益生菌还能抑制有害菌的生长,减少有害物质产生,降低腹泻风险。

3. 提高免疫力:肠道菌群与人体免疫系统密切相关。汉臣氏益生菌中的益生菌能够刺激肠道免疫系统,提高人体免疫力,降低感染疾病的风险。

4. 预防慢性疾病:肠道菌群失衡与多种慢性疾病有关,如心血管疾病、糖尿病、肥胖等。汉臣氏益生菌能够调整肠道菌群,降低慢性疾病的发生风险。

5. 调节血脂、血压:汉臣氏益生菌中的益生菌能够降低血清胆固醇水平,改善血脂状况;同时,益生菌还能调节血压,预防心血管疾病。


1. 按照说明书推荐剂量服用,每日1-2次。

2. 饭后30分钟内服用,以便益生菌在肠道内定植。

3. 持续服用,以保持肠道菌群平衡。


"Is this gift too heavy?"

Zhou Jiefang glanced at it and shook his head. "It’s okay. Brother Chen is a busy man. If I don’t accept it, I’m afraid he will be embarrassed to come to me for help."
Wang Xiang put things away. "People are good people, and they value their feelings and righteousness. I also heard about things at the beginning. When he married someone, the news in the village was far away. I didn’t expect it to be so prosperous today."
Zhou Jiefang nodded. "That’s good for good."
When Chen Yougong got home, the dumplings and horses were wrapped, the meat was wrapped, and the leeks and eggs were almost wrapped.
"These are frozen in the window and sent to in-laws later," Chen said, with meat and leek eggs inside.
Chen Jia’s lunch is dumplings.
Chen Yougong saw that the dumplings were about to be wrapped. When they were ready, he began to burn the fire and add water. When the dumplings were ready, the water boiled.
Yao Shangqing put the dumplings into the pot one by one, and cooked them first. A pot is full of meat, and leeks can’t be cooked with meat. After all, the degree of cooking is different.
Chen cleaned up the chopping board with Yue-e Li, and Chen Yougang also came back from the outside. He left a little early in the afternoon, where Yuechuan organized people to dig ditches, and he wanted to earn a few centimeters more.
"I will not come back if I return you today." Chen Yougang washed his hands in the kitchen.
Chen Yougong looked at the fire at the bottom of the pot and almost got up.
"The county has been busy for a while, and I am at home for the New Year."
Chen Yougang thought it would be good. It’s only been a few months since he left, and his family is very good. At least he can reunite every day.
"I’m going to dig ditches with you this afternoon." Chen Yougong asked him what he had done and wanted to go with him. If he could earn some money, he would earn some.
Chen Yougang shook his head. "How long has it been since you took a break? It’s hard to come back. Let’s take a afternoon off and talk about work."
Chen looked at the dumplings in the pot and several children were crazy enough outside.
Yue-e Li looked at the snow all over her body and took a towel to lay them one by one.
"I still play outside when it’s snowing, but I haven’t changed it when it’s wet."
A few people listened to the words and dared not talk back.
Yao Shangqing put all the bowls brushed aside and lined up.
Chen Shaoyuan’s dumplings in the pot look delicious.
Chen took out all the dumplings in the first pot and put some firewood at the bottom of the pot. Then the second pot and the second pot base were all leeks and eggs. It was shorter to cook.
"Today, many dumplings can be eaten." Chen said and waved them all to end the dumplings in the past, and no one waited for anyone to eat them.
Chen Yougang was very tired today. When he picked up a bowl, he ate the northern dumplings first. The dumplings were served with the soup. He took a sip of the dumplings and felt warm all over, and then slowly took a bite of the dumplings. The stuffing inside was really full, and it was not good to bite off the fragrance.
"This is really popular." After Chen Yougang finished, he kept starting to eat.
Chen Yougong also squatted outside the kitchen door with a bowl of snow and a bowl of hot dumplings in his hand.
Chen Shaoyuan, a few of them are all half bowls, and there is not much soup in them. They all put chopping boards, and they can’t carry them for fear of burning themselves.
Yuanyuan can’t use chopsticks, and Yao Shangqing can feed her family, so they all eat in the kitchen.
When the second pot came out, some were served separately, and they were all finished. There was still a bowl of dumplings left in the pot.
The Chen family are all full and warm. Yao Shangqing and Li Yuee both packed up their things in the kitchen and went back to the house. It was just noon when they took a nap in the heavy snow outside.
Chen Yougang slept for an hour and a half and was getting ready to work. Yuechuan informed the radio that the snow was too heavy to work.
The Chen family simply rested at home.
Zhao Qinhua’s family ate leek stuffing at noon, but it was almost impossible to put an egg on leek. Almost all the vegetable gardens planted it, and it was very real that it could be cut one crop after another.
Zhao Wanwan is in a very good mood today, because it is described in the article that the woman accidentally fell down in a heavy snow in winter and hit her head on the ground before she was reborn. When she came back, it meant that her fate was officially opened, so she could take her fate.
Zhao Qinhua looked at the kitchen and there was not much firewood. She was going to pick up firewood today, but she didn’t expect it to snow today, but if she didn’t pick it up today, it was estimated that it wouldn’t burn.
"You two go to collect firewood later," Zhao Qinhua said to two people at the door of the kitchen.
Chen Dayu is washing dishes in his hand. Although it’s dumplings at noon, it tastes terrible and tasteless, but it’s full. But now it’s too snowy outside to work. Can you still collect firewood?
"Mom, pick it up again sometime. The snow hasn’t stopped yet."
Zhao Qinhua is in a bad mood today, and her eyes are staring at her. "Do you want to drink the northwest wind if you don’t pick up firewood?"
Chen Xiaoyu didn’t want to pick it up either, but she didn’t speak.

Ye Hanna suddenly added an echo in suspended water. This abnormal phenomenon immediately caught his attention. "Pay attention to slow down and pay attention to the front!"

The players followed suit one after another, and then the secret service team slowed down and slowed down-the water was not quiet, big or small, and the explosion was endless.
After the team advanced for a certain distance, the goal gradually became clear.
It’s a football-like thing with a smooth end and many tentacles at the other end. According to the feedback data, it’s not 40 meters long and 30 meters wide.
Hey, I can’t see what this thing is really doing, but it is associated with the alien landing operation on the east coast of Funing. Ye Hanma guessed the identity of this thing. "Special group calling Funing and group calling Funing, please respond!"
"Funing received, please speak!"
"I am currently located near the coast. We found something in the water. It is likely that the coordinates of the alien landing ship are sent to you. You should have anti-submarine missiles, right? Please kill it as soon as possible! "
"In a special group, we have anti-submarine missiles, but there is a new type of optical worm on the battlefield, and its anti-missile ability is particularly strong, regardless of missiles or rockets."
"What about his anti-submarine weapons?"
"We have anti-submarine missiles!"
"There is no way for him? Can you ask for friendly support? "
"It will take another two minutes for a batch of terminal-sensitive bombs. We can launch missiles while the photoworms are dealing with terminal-sensitive bombs!"
"Joke, wait two minutes. They will have landed long ago!"
"I know we are ready to shell the beach, and there is no better way at present."
Yip hon bit his teeth. "Okay, I get it. Keep in touch!"
"Keep in touch!"
Cut off the communication. Ye Han’s head is full of grinding teeth after the war in Funing. "Ouyang!"
"Funing doesn’t know if you are sure to blow them up?"
Ouyang Ping frowned. "This thing in the water?"
"It’s hard to say … I can’t see clearly what this thing must be observed closely."
Yip hon hardened his heart and said, "the enemy ships are still some distance from the coast, and there must be more than one enemy landing ship. I need you to blow them up before they land. Can you do that?"
Ouyang Ping’s whole face was wrinkled together and gnashed his teeth. "I’ll try, but we have too little explosives. At most, we just don’t even think about blowing through enemy ships and destroying them."
Ouyang Ping is really good at blasting, but the soldiers don’t carry so much explosives with them. Only by combining two personal explosives can they meet the minimum requirements for blowing through enemy ships.
He is very skeptical about how much this explosive can do.
Yip hon said, "just blow it through. I didn’t expect your little explosive to destroy enemy ships … try your best to blow up a few ships. It’s not practical and it’s not forced. I didn’t exchange my own people for the enemy’s habits, so I quickly withdrew."
"I am white!" In spite of this, Ouyang Ping was determined to blow up their ships.
The equipment of the secret service team is mainly light weapons and heavy weapons, and there are also individual soldiers. The only way to deal with enemy ships is to directly blast a large number of explosives.
After making up his mind, Ouyang Ping asked a soldier to set off. Two people approached the enemy ship not so fast and planned to stick explosives on them.
Chapter 173 The Northern Line
In addition to blasting the secret service team, you can also play a nuclear bomb alone, but that thing is too restrictive and no one wants to bring it with you. You can call for it when you need it in the battlefield.
However, this time is different. Now all warships follow the Huo Qubing to intercept the Second Fleet outside the soil, and there is no place to support it. Otherwise, Funing wouldn’t have played so hard and directly called the warships to come over for a bombing, which would make the swarm collapse.
After a while, Ye Han heard Ouyang Ping calling, "There are a lot of landing ships in front of the captain. I have at least a dozen!"
"So much?" Yip hon was surprised that his alien landing was a feint, not a distraction from the defenders, but now look at this, which is a feint? It is the main direction at all!
Ouyang Ping added, "Oh, there must be more outside!"
Well, the detection range is limited, and just a dozen enemy ships can be found. It is conceivable what happens outside the detection range.
"I know, the horse will withdraw!" Ye Han realized that the situation was not good. Ma switched the communication frequency band. "What is the landing scale of Funing Funingte Group calling the enemy?"
"A group of enemies landed on a small scale …"
"I have at least a dozen landing craft here that have not landed in the water!"
"What? Are you sure? "

The murder has skyrocketed, and Su Yu’s momentum is so powerful that it makes people feel palpitation.

Dozens of fix true person feel strong power fluctuation from outside Zongmen and rushed out.
"What person! Dare to come to my door! "
After they saw the tall Su Yu, they were frightened to disgrace and hurriedly thundered and questioned.
"Let your head roll out to see me!"
Su Yu’s sword refers to sharp eyes and binge drinking.
His voice just fell on a road, and the real dragon breath surged out from behind him. The virtual shadows of the dragon covered the sky. They growled and wrapped around Su Yu’s front, one after another, and more than 100 dragons circled around the night imperial city.
The dragons ascend to heaven! The emperor is awesome!
Bullying and drawing swords! Sword refers to the door!
Who dares to be presumptuous in front of the Terran Emperor?
"roar! ! !”
A burst of dragons resounded through the world, and a group of ground practitioners turned pale and spat out one mouthful blood.
"This is who this is!"
"He seems to be the owner said terran emperor! He actually came to my door! "
"quick! Notify the master! Let the saints and new swords come out against the enemy! !”
The piercing howl kept ringing, and Su Yu was the only one, which made the whole fairy temple door suddenly chaotic!
This is his power!
Su Yu is the strongest human being! No one has forgotten the abyss plane. The man fought hard and slaughtered tens of thousands of demons and ten swords.
He is more powerful than the impression that the indigenous people have always been weak.
This man’s high-level genius is even stronger! He is so powerful that he is hardly human!
"The town magic array is up!"
An old singer sounded the door, the sky was clear, and the sun was high in Wan Li. At this time, it suddenly began to rain with white light. All the energy raindrops fell on each practitioner, and they were quickly cured by the breath of the real dragon.
At the same time, a mysterious circle suddenly rose from the ground of the door branch, and a powerful circle breath began to resist the pressure of the huge Yin and Yang fish.
This law is obviously amazing. It can resist the coercion of innate Lingbao.
A young man came out of the door branch in Tsing Yi barefoot with a simple sword and a dignified face. He is the head of the door of the Immortal Temple!
"It’s the head!"
"Master Zhang is here!"
People cheered one after another. Teams of sword-wielding practitioners and swords rushed from Zongmen to form a sword array. They gathered around the head and looked at Su Yu floating.
For thousands of powerful fix true face suspended day Terran emperor solemn expression.
"You this little evil livestock incredibly still not dead! Dare to come to the Daomen branch to make trouble! "
The head body wind floats automatically, and he looks at Su Yu with a relative smile from Su Yu.
It is because of this indigenous emperor that he probably killed ten swords, and the first saint who has the realm of quasi-holiness is dead! Moreover, a group of saints also died, which caused him to be almost skinned and cramped by his ancestors!
"Are you alone today? Are you relying on the mountain? "
Head eyes flashing straight staring at Su Yu he has some fear of white predecessors.
After all, the giant * * phase shocked his heart, which was too powerful, and some saints in the door repeatedly warned the owner not to provoke the giant * * phase.
But he can’t stand this tone. When did the immortal temple door suffer such a big loss? The first world war on the abyss plane simply made the head of the company ache into the bone marrow!
He couldn’t wait to crush Su Yu!
"Why? Afraid? "
Su Yu sneered at domineering and said, "I might as well tell you that I came alone today! Bai’ s predecessors disdained to take revenge on your shameful people. Naturally, they came by themselves! "
"Bold! You are not afraid to come and stay! "
The head master laughed and felt relieved. He looked at Su Yu with a strange smile. "It’s good that you dare to come to this head. What happened to you today?"
The owner’s tone is relaxed and his expression is indifferent. I can see that he looks down on Su Yu very much.
Even if this person can fight again, it’s like here, but the masters of the branch of the Temple of Immortals have gathered together to rely on the leader and the swordsman!
"If it’s a matter of peace, we can talk about it. If you can join the Xiandian Gate in the Chinese Empire, I can decide your death."
Holding his beard, the owner smiled indifferently, which was very arrogant and conceited.
Now that the ancestors said not to be enemies of the giant * * easily, the owner naturally tends to talk with Su Yu, but even if he wants to talk, the owner should humiliate the indigenous emperor! Get out of the abyss and stand it!
"Talk about you P!"
Su Yu’ s sword slammed and sweared directly. Su Yu was full of murder, his eyes soared, and his tone was overbearing. "I am here to kill people today!"
49 Chapter 49 Hurt the body! Kill!
Su Yu’s "P" made the owner detain one leng Rao. He has been to many planes and still can’t understand this earth classic foul language.
However, the owner understood Su Yu’s words. This little guy didn’t want to make peace but wanted to kill people!
"Did I hear you right?"
Head slightly narrowing her eyes sneer at bursts of "with you also dare to kill people? Who are you? Are you the great master? "
Su Yugen directly sacrificed the real imperial sword and the real imperial treasure scroll without talking nonsense with the head master!
"The true emperor sword shadow! !”
A series of powerful swords exude a poor momentum, like ripples, and flash sharply to the head! Su Yu seems to be handy, but it contains the strength of conan the destroyer!
"How dare you!"
Surprised and angry, the head of the store quickly grasped the sword tactic and shouted "Zhu Xian Jian!"
"whew ~!"
Behind him, the simple sword suddenly came out of its sheath to form a sword screen to stop Su Yu’s sword.
However, if you can cut the golden fairy sword and recruit a real person, can you resist it? Even if he is holding the ancient Tianbao Sword, he can’t do it!
In vain, a series of metal chimes are used to kill the immortal sword, which is organized into a sword-meaning light curtain, which can slightly block a little and then be destroyed by the fluctuation of the sword-meaning.